25+ complimentary things TO do in WASHINGTON, D.C.

Last Updated: 1/5/2019 | January 5th, 2019

Washington D.C. is a place I’ve been to lots of times throughout the years. I love the city: there are people from all over the world, there’s a ton of things to see an do, extraordinary bars, natural attractions, diversity, and world-class restaurants. Yet there’s one really big downside to the city: cost.

Washington D.C. is not a low-cost city.

With all those free-spending politicians, lobbyists, and diplomats floating around the city driving up prices, costs here are pretty high. Meals, hotels, transportation, parking—they all add up to a lot of money. 

Luckily, there are lots of terrific complimentary things to do in the city for the budget traveler. thanks to all the national monuments, parks, and festivals in the city, you can find a lot of complimentary things to do in Washington D.C.

Here’s a list of the best complimentary things to do in the city this year:

Visit the supreme Court

The supreme Court is the highest court of the land. Its decisions are final. Court sessions are actually open to the public on a first come, first served basis and there are complimentary 30-minute lectures in the main hall that describe how the court functions. There are no guided excursions of the buildings, but you can take advantage of the educational lectures, a visitor film, and special exhibitions. (Definitely try to attend one of the lectures as it’s a very insightful way to learn about how the court works.)

1 first St NE, supremecourt.gov/visiting. open Monday-Friday from 9am-4:30pm. To sit in on a lecture, check the court’s calendar. Lectures take place several times throughout the day. just show up and stand in line.

Tour the Capitol Building
This building is where the U.S. Congress meets to….well, they are meant to do something but lately, it feels like they don’t really do anything but complain! The Capitol uses complimentary excursions throughout the day. Tickets are available at 8:30 am on a first come, first served basis. get there early as the tickets are normally gone very quickly. You can also book your excursion in development through your local senator or member of Congress. Tickets to sit in the galley and enjoy Congress in session are also available for free, on a first come, first served basis.

East Capitol St NE & first St SE, visitthecapitol.gov. open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. excursions take place Mon-Fri (8:40am-3:20pm). development reservation is recommended but not required.

Visit the Smithsonian Museums

The Smithsonian institution is a group of museums and research centers that are administered by the us government. founded in 1846, all Smithsonian museums are complimentary to enter (and they even offer complimentary Wi-Fi!). If you feel like indulging, two of the museums in Washington have enormous IMAX motion picture theatres (that play regular movies). The museums and centers include:

Air and space Museum

African American Museum

American history Museum

African Art Museum

American Art Museum

American Indian Museum

Anacostia community Museum

Archives of American Art

Arts and industries Building

Freer Gallery of Art


National Zoo

Prirodzene historicke muzeum

Portrait Gallery

Postal Museum

Renwick Gallery

S. Dillon Ripley Center

Sackler Gallery

Smithsonian Castle

Smithsonian Gardens

+1 202-633-1000, si.edu. Each museum has their own operating hours so be sure to check with that musuem.

See the Monuments

The national mall isn’t actually a “mall.” It’s a spacious landscaped, tree-lined park filled with various walking paths and monuments. You could spend days trying to see them all as you walk around and explore. Here’s a list of the attractions and monuments on the national Mall:

Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality national Monument – This building was home to the national Women’s party for nearly 90 years and was designated a national monument in 2016 by president Barack Obama. The building highlights the history and achievements of the suffrage movement, and is named after the former party president Alva Belmont, as well as the founder, Alice Paul.

Constitution gardens – 50 acres of landscaped gardens honor the framers of the Constitution and supply a stunning place to sit and relax, especially during the summer when everything is in full bloom. Tree-lined paths meander around a tranquil lake and through the gardens, where you will see oak, maple, elm, and more.

Ford’s Theatre national historic site – On April 14, 1865, president Abraham Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theatre during a theatrical performance. His killer was John Wilkes Booth, a popular young actor and supremacist. Lincoln was carried across Tenth street to the Petersen boarding house where he died the next morning. The Theatre commemorates Lincoln’s legacy with a museum and special exhibits detailing his presidency and the aftermath of his death. and it’s still a working theater!

FraPamätník Nklin Delano Roosevelt – Toto je ohromujúci pamätník, ktorý vás prevedie štyrmi funkčnými obdobiami Roosevelta pomocou úvodzoviek vyrezaných v kameni a ohromujúcich bronzových umeleckých diel. Je to jeden z mojich obľúbených pamätníkov v meste a ponúka ohromujúcu japonskú záhradu a upokojujúca vodopády.

Pamätník Kórejských vojnových veteránov – Najobľúbenejší pamätník v obchodaku, Wall of Remembrance má 19 sôch, ktoré oceňujú milióny, ktorí bojovali počas kórejskej vojny. Sochy stoja v borievkových kríkoch a sú oddelené prúžkami naznačenými, aby sa podobali ryžovým vodám Kórey. Na konci je pokojný, reflexný bazén, ktorý obklopuje sloboda nie je bezplatná stena a výklenok. Je to strašne ohromujúce a smutné naraz.

Lincoln Memorial – Toto je domovom slávnej gigantickej sochy Abrahama Lincolna. Je to jeden z najlepších … tak dobrý, mám o nej celú sekciu nižšie!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial – Gigantic Resising of Dr. King ctí svoje dedičstvo a hľadanie slobody, rovnosti a spravodlivosti. Toto je jedna z novších pamiatok, ktoré sa otvorili v roku 2011, a je prvým, kto ctí muža farby. Citácie z jeho populárneho prejavu „Mám sen“ sú vyryté do kameňa a je tu tiež nápisová stena so 14 citátmi z jeho prejavov a spisov.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial – Tento pamätník Thomasovi Jeffersonovi sa nachádza vo vnútri kruhovej kolonády, oproti mnohým hlavným pamätníkom a má úžasný výhľad na celé obchodné centrum a prílivovú kotlinu. Vytvoril ho John Russell Pope v roku 1925 a pripomína Panteón Ríma (Jefferson bol zjavne veľkým fanúšikom neoklasickej architektúry). Je to pozoruhodné miesto, keď kvitnú čerešňové kvety.

Pamätník veteránov vo Vietname – Tento pamätník sa v skutočnosti pozostáva z troch častí: socha troch vojakov, Vietnamský ženský pamätník a Vietnamská pamätná stena veteránov (múr, ktorý sa uzdravuje). Stena je nápadným chronologickým zoznamom mien oveľa viac ako 58 000 Američanov, ktorí slúžili a dali životy vo Vietname.

Washington Monument-Tento mramorový obelisk v centre parku bol postavený na počesť Georga Washingtona. Momentálne je uzavretá pre opravy služieb, ale môžete sa tešiť z ich kontroly, ako aj zeleného priestoru okolo neho, ktorý je zvyčajne plný festivalov, ľudí a predajcov.

Pamätník druhej svetovej vojny – ohromujúci pamätník venovaný 16 miliónom ľudí, ktorí slúžili v amerických ozbrojených silách počas druhej svetovej vojny, vrátane 400 000, ktorí dali životy. Deje sa tu veľa, vrátane dvoch stien, keď prvýkrát vstúpite do pamätníka (z východu) zobrazujúce scény z vojny v bronzovej úľave. V strede je tiež skutočne sofistikovaná fontána a 56 žulových stĺpcov symbolizujúcich jednotu národa.

+1 202-426-6841, nps.gov/nama. Národné obchodné centrum je otvorené 24 hodín a vstup je zadarmo. Skontrolujte dopredu na webovej stránke, aby ste zistili, či sa počas vašej návštevy koná prechádzka Ranger (bezplatná prehliadka).

Navštívte národnú zoo

Zoologická záhrada sa otvorila v roku 1889 a je domovom viac ako 1 800 zvierat rozmiestnených na 160 hektároch pôdy. Lemur, úžasné opice, slony, plazy a pandy – a veľa oveľa viac zvierat – všetky volajú do zoo domov. Zoo bola jednou z prvých na svete, ktorá vytvorila vedecký výskum. Je to úžasná zastávka, ak cestujete s deťmi (alebo ak ste v srdci mladí!). V rámci Smithsoniana je zoologická záhrada tiež bezplatná na návštevu.

3001 Connecticut Ave NW, +1 202-633-4888, NationalZoo.si.edu. Otvorené denne od 8:00 do 19:00.

Navštívte Biely dom

Toto je jedna z najznámejších budov na svete. Bol postavený v roku 1792, hoci Briti vyhoreli veľa z toho počas vojny v roku 1812 (predtým to nebolo biele!). Aj keď nastavenie exkurzie môže byť únavné (musíte si ju rezervovať týždne vopred), je to zábavný a vzdelávací zážitok.

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Whitehouse.gov/about-the-the-white-ouse/tours-events. Samostatné exkurzie sú k dispozícii utorok-štvrtok od 7:30 do 11:30 a od 7:30 do 2:30 hod. V piatok a sobotu. Aby sme požiadali o prehliadku, musia sa americkí občania obrátiť na svojho člena Kongresu, zatiaľ čo zahraniční návštevníci musia kontaktovať svoje veľvyslanectvo vo Washingtone. Žiadosť o exkurziu môžete predložiť až tri mesiace vopred, ale najmenej 21 dní vopred. Ak ste americký občan vo veku 18 rokov alebo starší, musíte predložiť vládne ID fotografie. Cudzí štátni príslušníci musia predložiť svoj pas.

Urobte si bezplatnú pešiu prehliadku
Jedným z najlepších spôsobov, ako vziať v meste, je bezplatná pešia prehliadka. Uvidíte hlavné pamiatky mesta, dozviete sa viac o histórii mesta a budete mať po ruke odborníka na korenie s akýmikoľvek otázkami, ktoré máte. Dve bezplatné chôdze exkurzné spoločnosti v D.C., ktoré sa mi páčia, sú bezplatné výlety pešo a jahodové zájazdy. Nemôžete s tým ani pokaziť.

Preskúmajte kongresovú knižnicu
The is the largest library in the world. Thereare over 16 million books here and over 120 million other historical and media items. well established in 1800, over 3,000 staff help keep this place running! It’s the main research center of the U.S. Congress and is home to the U.S. Copyright Office. It’s the best place for bookworms in the world!

101 independence Ave SE, +1 202-707-5000, loc.gov. The library is open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:30am-9:30pm and Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9:30am-4pm. The library is closed on Sundays. complimentary excursions of the Thomas Jefferson building Public take place hourly Mon-Fri (10:30am-3:30pm), and hourly on Saturdays (10:30am-2:30pm). All you have to do is show up. check the web site for any special excursions happening during your check out (sometimes the library will open the music Division’s Whittall pavilion for public viewing).

See the Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial should have its own spot on this list as it’s so beautiful, and it has an remarkable view of the reflection pool and the Capitol building. sincere Abe’s two a lot of popular speeches — the second inaugural address and the Gettysburg Address — are inscribed on the walls around the memorial.

2 Lincoln Memorial Circle NW, nps.gov/linc/index.htm. open 24/7. Skontrolujte dopredu na webovej stránke, aby ste zistili, či sa počas vašej návštevy koná prechádzka Ranger (bezplatná prehliadka).

Peruse the national Gallery of Art

There’s an exceptionally large collection of artwork, from Henri Matisse to Claude Monet to Leonardo da Vinci. The east building is home to the gallery’s a lot more modern art, while the West building houses older artwork. You’ll typically see art students throughout the building trying to paint. some of them are really, really good! Don’t forget to check out the sculpture garden while you’re there. In the summers, there is complimentary Jazz in the garden every Friday starting at 11 am.

3rd street and 9th street on Constitution Avenue NW, +1 202-737-4215, nga.gov/visit.html. The national Gallery is open Mon-Sat (10am-5pm), and sun (11am-6pm). There are a number of complimentary docent-led excursions of varying themes occurring daily, as well as Gallery Talks hosted by museum curators and conservators. dates and times change frequently. check the web site to find out what’s happening during your visit.

Hang out by the Tidal Basin

The Tidal basin is a manmade pond stretching two miles long the mall. It also serves as a popular hangout spot for locals and visitors and is the best place to come see the cherry blossom trees each spring. In the spring and summer months, you can rent a paddle boat (around $18 per hour) and spend the afternoon kicking back on the pond.

Visit the national Archives Museum

The national Archives museum houses the declaration of Independence, the bill of Rights, and the Constitution, plus one of the few remaining copies of the Magna Carta left in the world. It’s a terrific place for history buffs and it’s filled with really informative panels. If you’re traveling with children, there are plenty of interactive exhibits inside too.

701 Constitution Avenue NW, museum.archives.gov. open daily 10am-5:30pm. Self-guided timed entry reservations are used every 15 minutes from 10:30am-4:00pm. There is also a docent-led guided excursion Mon-Fri at 9:45am. The excursion includes the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom, the public Vaults, and a special exhibit gallery. It’s encouraged to reserve online in advance, but you’ll have to pay a $1.50 reservation fee.

Visit the Holocaust Memorial Museum

This is one of the best Holocaust museums in the world and features a large permanent exhibit that takes up three whole levels and tells the story of the Holocaust through films, photos, artifacts, and first-person stories. There are also rotating exhibits indicated to educate visitors about the ongoing danger of genocide and violence around the world. It’s so powerful and moving. I strongly urge you to check out while you’re in the city!

National Mall, just south of independence Avenue, SW, between 14th street and Raoul Wallenberg place (15th Street). +1 202-488-0406, ushmm.org. open daily 10am-5:20pm, with extended hours in the spring and summer. because of high traffic, you wil